Monday, May 10, 2010

The Sciences of Al-Qur'an

Assalamu Alikum my dear brothers and sisters,

I pray that this find you all in the best of health and highest of Imaan inshaallah.

This month brings us an amazing course about the Sciences of Al-Qur'an. This Divine Book is the primary source of our deen, personified in our beloved Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him and his companions. The course will take place at the elegant Islamic Dawah Center (downtown Houston), where the Sharia Academy has been fortunate to host monthly events as of late. The schedule is as usual, starting at 10am and ending roughly at 5pm on both Saturday and Sunday (May 22-23) inshaallah. We are extremely excited to have our very own Sheikh Mamdouh Mahmoud teach this course, which will be open to both first and second diploma students.

We are also excited to add a few young and eager students to our growing family, who are dedicating valuable time and vibrant effort towards the continuous growth of this program. May Allah reward them for all that they do. Please do not hesitate to share your opinions, ideas, and criticisms. We are in a constant state of change towards what is pleasing to Allah, and we strive every day to cater to our students' needs. If you, or anyone you know, would like to post to this blog, please leave a comment or submit your piece to or directly to me ( Alhamdulillah, I'm always available at our monthly seminars if you'd feel more comfortable speaking to me in person. We are looking for a variety of writing styles. We would love to showcase our students' talents for all to see. Your submission may vary from personal experiences during class, how the knowledge you've obtained has influenced your personal life, or your simple reflections on a certain Qur'anic verse, Hadith, or lecture. Keep an open mind and don't hesitate to express yourself. Your submissions may also be posted anonymously if you so choose inshaallah.

If you are present on facebook, please become a member of our group:
Sharia Academy of America (Houston Branch)
and check out this month's event page:
The Sciences of Al-Qur'an

Jazzakumallahu khairan for your continued support. All the members of the Houston Team look forward to seeing you and your loved ones at this month's seminar inshaallah.
Wassalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatullah

Tayseir Mahmoud
Web/Literary Editor


Abu Wael said...
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Abu Wael said...

MashaAllah, We really need everyone's input and feedback. This is how we will improve inshAllah.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you all at the next seminar. I promise it is going to be interesting inshAllah. This course will make you really understand how Allah preserved the Quran and will make you appreciate the efforts our blessed guided predecessors and scholars contributed to serve the final revelation.

Syed Arshad said...

Alhamdolillah these seminars are great learning experiance for me, I can not wait for the next one!!!Please post the notes, ppt on the blog

Anonymous said...

Can we have the notes and PPT on the blog.

Abu Wael said...

InshaAllah the PPP will be sent to all students upon completion of the class. It will be also available on your online account. We are working on updating all students online account and you should receive the log in information soon inshAllah. Please send an e-mail to houston info if you need a copy of the PPP on Monday inshAllah